Pattern Template

LEVEL: Beginner

Materials: (Heading 2)

YARN: (bold)

ROW 1 - 7: (bold)
Knit (“K”) every row for 7 rows. To learn to knit, click here - link to video
Knitting every row is called a “garter stitch” pattern - link to video


 Row House Pro Tip (Heading 2)


Almost Done:

Then on the next row, bind off (“BO”) all stitches.  CLICK HERE for a video tutorial.


Weave in ends of all yarn using a tapestry needle - both ends of the object, and any yarn changes in the middle of the object. You can see examples of how to weave in yarn ends HERE.


Finally, you have to “block” the object. This means that you wet the yarn and relax it a little bit, which will also help even out your stitches. Because you’re knitting with wool, the yarn will stretch, so you want to gently lay it out so that you don’t stretch it too much, just enough that the object is as long as your desired measurements.

 How do I block?

Let the object sit in cool water for around 30 minutes. Gently drain the water. You can gently roll the object in a towel to remove excess water, or you can let it sit in the sink and drain for an hour or so. Make sure that you handle the wet fabric gently and don’t wring it out. Once you have removed the excess water, lay the object out on fresh towels or on a blocking board (you need a surface that will allow the water to drain from the wool), and arrange the object in a rectangle of the measurements that you desire - keeping the rows even. Let it dry before picking it up again.
CLICK HERE to see a video tutorial.


Once it is dry, you are done. Stand back and admire your work. You are a knitter.

We want to see your object, so please post a photo on Instagram or Facebook and use the tag #rowhouseknits


K: knit
BO: bind off
CO: cast on

Click here to download a printable pdf of this pattern