What if I think I made a mistake?
You have a few options:
- Sign up for a lesson to have a knitting teacher take a look at it. It may not even be a mistake! Schedule a 15 minute video-chat lesson by CLICKING HERE.
- Sign up for OfficeHours. If you have a quick question, this may be all that you need. And it's free! OfficeHours is a group videochat led by an advanced knitter to help answer quick questions and give general guidance on projects.
- Unpick the stitches to the point where you think you made a mistake and begin knitting from there. CLICK HERE to watch a tutorial on unpicking stitches.
- Send us an email! Sometimes all you need is a bit of guidance. For quick questions you can send an email to officehours@rowhouseyarn.com.
- Let it go - if it isn't a fundamental problem (i.e. the whole item won't all apart if you leave it alone), you can just appreciate that it is an early project and that the little mistakes show that you are learning.
Knitting is about creativity, relaxation and fun, so don't let a little mistake here or there get you down!
Technical Stuff
We use Skype for all of our video-chat lessons and office hours. We recommend that you check before your lesson to make sure that you have the latest version of Skype installed.
You can download Skype for free here: www.skype.com
Please add officehours@rowhouseyarn.com to your contact list so that we can reach you easily.
To get the most out of your video lesson, you will need to be in a well-lit area with a video camera/device that you can hold your work close to to allow our teachers to diagnose problems.
We also strongly recommend that you email a photo and a brief description of your issue to officehours@rowhouseyarn.com before your session. This will allow our instructors to be the most prepared and get you the most information in the time allotted.
We look forward to seeing what you're working on!